Pilates has long been used for the benefit of people suffering from different forms of pain. It is impossible to know how back pain will respond to Pilates unless it is diagnosed correctly in the first instance. In the recent study lower back pain affects most people at some point in their lives but now with pilates Northern Beaches.
Diagnosis before Pilates
To get the best results it is always essential that there is an accurate understanding of the condition you are working with and as a result an accurate diagnosis of the pain must be made. To have back pain diagnosed accurately often it is worth while excluding the other causes of back pain which can result in a similar presentation of back pain. Otherwise you could waste a lot of money on the wrong form of exercise for your back. Pilates does not help all types of back pain, no matter what you are told. To get your back pain assessed accurately you must first see a therapist who is able to properly diagnose the problem and has received adequate training in the correct testing procedures for back pain and its various forms. Seeing a lesser qualified therapist could result in wasting lots of money on pilates sessions that will not help you back at all. Just because back pain does not get better with the conventional treatment it does not mean it would respond to Pilates. Taking a thorough medical history and screening testing allows the GP, Osteopath or Physiotherapist to diagnose the condition in relation to the results of these tests.
Pilates for Back Pain
Pilates has been shown clinically to significantly reduce the effects of musculo-skeletal back pain resulting in better mechanical functioning. However, if the Pilates is not prescribed in the right dose, i.e. exercises, it will result in detrimental effects to the spine and pelvis. Smaller group sessions of Pilates and intimate rehab sessions lead to much better results as the one to one attention clients receive results in a better understanding of the intricate nature of this form of rehabilitation. Back pain must be taken seriously and messing about with it is not acceptable and can delay the healing process. Getting prompt diagnosis, accurate exercise prescription and a long term management programme are vitally important for the health of your back.
Why does Pilates Benefit people with pain?
The reason why Pilates benefits back pain is partly due to the concept of core stability. Core stability is described in many ways but the most accurate description of core stability comes from the book concepts of fitness and wellness- a comprehensive lifestyle approach,
“Core Stability, Strength of muscles which demonstrate optimal firing patterns and tension-generating capabilities to “brace” the trunk in anticipation of and during the movement of the head, arms or legs”
“Core strength, Strength of muscles which demonstrate optimal firing patterns and tension-generating capabilities to create movement of the trunk”
This all sounds rather complex I know, but its simple really. The core is like a sling of muscles which wraps around your mid section, the fibres lying in different directions allowing a widespread but even increase in the intra abdominal pressure. This results in a pressure like effect which helps support the spinal load, much like the pressure in a bicycle pump going outwards when the piston is depressed and the air inside is squashed inwards by the pump walls and downwards by the pump itself. Luckily you have your pelvic floor to stop pressure escaping from the base region, unlike the bicycle pump.
Core Strength
Core strength is thus important for lower back pain as it reduces the impact of increased pressure or load through the spine and discs, thus reducing the mechanical burden of the load by spreading the forces around and not through the other weight bearing structures in the back. However, it is never as simple as this. There are many theories to date which try to explain the effect of spinal stabilisation through the effect of core stability strength. As you can imagine it is only the types of back pain, which are the result of a failure of this mechanism, which will respond to, Pilates type exercises. So proper screening is vital.
Core strength vs biomechanical accuracy of movement
As important as it is core strength improvements are not the only part of this equation. Bad backs often result from improper movement mechanics. By having a thorough understanding of the human anatomy, physiological make up and biomechanical functioning we are able to screen which movements are faulty and address these as causative agents in the genesis of back pain. Without doing this other methods of stabilisation such as Pilates alone cannot address the underlying route causes of the issues faced by those suffering with pain. Functional rehabilitation allows quicker integration back into day-to-day life, this may incorporate movements which you carry out on a daily basis.
It is so important to understand the nature of you pain before undertaking exercise. It is possible to waste large amounts of money on a regular basis doing exercise that actually may be detrimental to your improvement. Make sure you look for serious qualifications and experience n those teaching you, as well as an understanding of your condition.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Stephen_Makinde/1151098
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6462465