Charging Your Electric Car

You might be thinking of buying one of those new-fangled electric cars, and may be wondering how they’re charged. That depends on which car you buy. The three main electric cars (electric vehicles or “EVs”) currently available for middle income families are the Toyota Prius, Chevy Volt, and Nissan Leaf. It’s never a good time when you experience an electrical…

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Choosing A Back-Up Generator For Your Home

A home generator can be useful for backup electricity anywhere there are frequent power outages and the demand is increasing among homeowners. There are a few important items to consider when choosing a generator since they can also be very dangerous if they are not installed or operated properly. Generators range in size, type and price so it is worthwhile…

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The Pilates Ab Workout to Sculpt Your Core

If you’re sick of slogging through endless rounds of crunches at the gym, we don’t blame you. Ab workouts can be boring — but that’s where Pilates comes into play. Based on more than 600 exercises and variations, Pilates keeps ab work interesting while helping you sculpt a powerful core. And the benefits are more than just aesthetic. “I love…

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